
Kære Akupunktører.

Det glæder os, at kunne præsentere Akupunktør Doctor Jiewei Chen, som underviser ved dette års efterårsseminar.

Jiewei har egen akupunkturskole (Sinos), har grundlagt We Slimmer og har en kadidatgrad i medicin. Hun underviser sjældent udenfor egen skole, så vi føler os heldige.

Hun er uddannet i vestlig såvel som kinesisk medicin.
Dr. Jiewei har bl.a. arbejdet som overlæge på afdelingen for øjensygdomme på Universitetshospitalet i Harbin.

Om Jiewei:  https://chenakupunktur.dk/

Vi har valgt at spørge Jiewei, fordi hun er super dygtig og har lavet sit eget akupunktur-system, men også fordi hun er sundhedsfaglig som os.

Overordnet vil Jiewei lære os om:

“Den gode og effektive akupunktur-behandling. Dén der holder”.             

Vi vil alle gerne give en akupunkturbehandling der virker hurtigt og effektiv.

Vores patienter har hverken tid eller råd til at komme i flere måneder.

Desuden bliver vores ry som akupunktør kun bedre, hvis ”vi lige fixer” en dårligdom med et snuptag.

For at bedst muligt rundt om det hele, vil Jiewei sætte fokus på blodpropper og søvnbesvær.

Dato: 26.10.2024

Morgenmad fra kl 08.00 (frivilligt)

Undervisning Kl 09.00-12.00 med kaffe/the & frugt

Frokost 12.00-13.00 med en sodavand

Undervisning 13.00– 17.00 med kaffe/the & frugt

Sted: Hotel Nyborg Strand find vej https://map.krak.dk/s%C3%B8g/nyborg-strand

Pris kr. 1.800 (incl. alt)

Tilmelding: Ved indbetaling på reg 2135 Konto 9025 4574 44 med navn.

Tilmeldingsfrist 26.09. ved indbetaling.

RAB point 8

Spørgsmål kan rettes til betina@sundhedsfagligeakupunktoerer.dk også ved specialkost.

Vi glæder os meget til at se jer alle

Hilsen fra bestyrelsen i SA

Dear Colleagues and interested parties,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend a special invitation to your esteemed TCM school/association to join our Congress Collaboration Initiative.

As part of our ongoing efforts to promote traditional Chinese medicine and foster a vibrant educational environment, we are organizing the 7th annual Dutch TCM Congress. This event will take place online on October 19 and in person at the Fletcher Wings Hotel in Rotterdam on November 2 & 3, 2024, with the theme:

“Nan Jing: Overcoming the 81 Difficulties.”

This congress promises to be an exceptional opportunity for knowledge exchange, networking, and professional development within the TCM community.

We are excited to organize an International Meeting on November 2, 2024, as an integral part of the congress, gathering speakers, TCM schools, and associations. This meeting will serve as a platform for discussing global TCM trends, exchanging best practices, and exploring collaboration opportunities among European TCM institutions. We warmly invite your school/association to participate and offer your valuable contributions.

By partnering with leading TCM schools and associations like yours, we aim to create an even more impactful and enriching experience for all participants. Your involvement in this collaboration would not only enhance the quality of our congress but also provide valuable exposure for your institution/organization.

Benefits of Collaboration:

  • Complimentary Access: We are pleased to offer two complimentary ticket for your president, headteacher, or a designated representative to attend the congress.
  • Visibility and Promotion: Your institution/organization will be prominently featured in our promotional materials and on our congress website, with a linked web banner at dtcmc.nl.
  • Exclusive Access for Members: Your members will enjoy discounted registration fees, adding value to their participation through certification.
  • Student Discounts: We offer special discounted tickets for students of Traditional Chinese Medicine from your educational institution.
  • Program Contribution: We invite your members and students to submit papers and posters, providing them with the opportunity to present their research and insights to a wide audience of TCM professionals. This is a unique platform to showcase expertise, engage with peers, and contribute to the advancement of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This collaboration not only enhances the experience for your members and students but also offers significant visibility and networking opportunities for your institution. We believe that working together will create a more enriching and impactful congress experience for everyone involved.

You will find all important information on our homepage  www.dtcmc.nl.

You are welcome to attend as many of the three congress days as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot offer travel expenses, dinner, and accommodation.

We look forward to the possibility of your participation and are available to discuss any questions or additional details you may need.

Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,


Angie Calor-Man

Managing Director Dutch TCM Congress

Board member NVTCG Zhong

